You Are Living a Dream
Dreams, the Torah portions we have been reading are filled…
Forgive (for) Yourself
I often have trouble forgiving others because of what I experienced…
The Engine of Existence: Exploring the Dynamics of Giving and Receiving
Explore the universal dynamics of giving and receiving (mashpia-mekabel)…
Halacha and Neuroplasticity: Unleashing the ‘Authentic Self’
In this lecture, Rabbi Bloom discusses the greatest hidden obstacle…
Shame v. Guilt and Why It’s Important
In this presentation Rabbi Bloom explores the concepts of shame…
The Kabbalah of Narrative Therapy: Separating People From Problems
In this presentation, Rabbi Bloom introduces the audience to…
The First Lesson: Responsibility
In this Torah based lecture Rabbi Bloom uses the story of the…
Fear of Death or Fear of Life?
In this presentation Rabbi Bloom explores the challenge of fully…
The Reality Words Create
Utilizing the depth of the Hebrew language and the Kabbalah's…
The Litmus Test of Life
In this presentation Rabbi Bloom explores the driving force behind…