A Dark Entrance to the Light
As Jews, we know loss all too well, but I fear we may have…

I Love You (especially) Here
When he was very young, at times, our oldest son would hit…

Passover Wine, Loss, and My Avoidance of Sadness
Yesterday evening I was irritated, with my wife, with our kids;…

Death of the Heart
"Where there is no memory, there has been death of the heart"

Living a Borrowed Life
One of the Hebrew word for grave is "Sheol". The 3 letter root…

Pain as Intimate Guide
What if the most important work we have to do in life is to…

Traumas of Pain and Pleasure
Traumas of pain and pleasure
Negative Trauma = Experiences…

Abraham’s Journey
Abraham's journey... had very little to do with his actual steps…

The Burden of Responsibility
When God places Adam in the Garden to guard and serve it, the…

Would You Like to Live Less Guarded?
Would you like to live less guarded?
If so, what's holding…