
The Courageous Couple that Seeks Support
When a brave couple enters my office, after pleasantries, often…

Why Your Relationship Needs “Just Because”
The chok (from which our parsha gets its name) is generally explained…

Not That Place…
It's fascinating (and somewhat frustrating) that the vulnerable…

Still (and always) a Child
My recent experience of the beautiful picture below brought this…

What is Really at Stake in a Marriage
"There's a darkness inside that is flooded in light and I'm…

What if They Knew?
"A relationship starts to become real when it's broken and…

The Most Destructive Relationship Habit
If I had to summarize the single most destructive habit of an…

My Grandparents “Trauma Bond”
My grandparents were married in a DP camp following WW2. They…

You Make it All Mean Something
In a couples counseling session, the husband was challenged…

Broken Glass to Heal a Broken Heart
At the very end of the marriage ceremony, the last thing a…